Having problems with your church sound? Join us for a solution for helping your media/sound ministry. Presented by Dr. Brian Cochran he will be discussing a new program for sound techs, deacons and those that use or run the sound system at your local church.

Learn how to run a sound system! Discover how to fix that feedback! Know which mic to use! Unlock the ‘secrets’ of basic sound board and EQ settings!
Your church, school, or organization is in need of someone to run the sound system but neither you, nor someone you know that got “appointed” is a professional sound engineer by trade. You wish you knew more about running sound but either didn’t have access to a source for learning the information or were too timid or afraid to ask because it is the perception that you already know ‘the basics’ and more. Or you might be a veteran sound person in charge of training ‘newbie’ audio assistants and don’t really have time to start teaching ‘from the ground up’ due to your busy schedule, or maybe you are just looking for a teaching tool that can’t help keep your audio class on target. If any of these words ring true, then THIS is the help you’ve been looking for! Our course is designed to teach you how to be an effective sound person with easy to follow teaching, interactive examples and film vignettes to drive all the points home. And with this product you’ll have fun doing it! In the past 20+ years, what used to be a complicated sound system found at only very large churches or clubs or theaters is now available (and expected) on smaller scales. The audience has come to expect a certain quality even in these smaller venues. The gear is economically available but how to run all of it is often not. Usually, someone from where the equipment was purchased will do an on-location tutorial on the gear and then you are on your own. Seminars are available but that often means traveling a distance with added hotel room and seminar fees to boot. Quite often the sound people that have gone to such seminars or were given the original tutorial are no longer even involved in the sound system. That’s where Live Audio Basics comes into play… What is taught within ‘LIVE AUDIO BASICS’ is timeless. This course is a great start in your steps on how to learn the basics of a sound system and what makes it all work! Audio gear may change, but how to run the gear doesn’t.

What’s COVERED in this course:
• What EVERY button and knob on YOUR console does (and doesn’t do) –
No more feeling like a ‘deer in the headlights’.
• Where to use certain microphones and why
 Why are the personalities of musicians and technicians
so different?
 When and when not to use EQ? And if so, which frequencies?
• How to make YOUR system sound better, just by following a few simple set up approaches.  

Now there are no simple fixes to the complicated world of audio problems, but equipping you or your sound person with the basic knowledge needed to understand and start fixing those problems is a great beginning and truly the ONLY fix that will make a difference in the long haul.  

Who Would Benefit From The ‘Live Audio Basics’ Audio Training Course? Church Volunteers and Staff Music Directors and Musicians School Volunteers and Staff Any Club or Organization that use a PA (public address) Sound System Anyone Considering Attending a Recording or Music School   Audio Training Course was established to assist those who are looking for practical information and ‘real world’ tutorial help in live and studio audio applications. Our company’s mission is to provide high quality, easy to follow and entertaining tutorial manual games to emphasize the simple, interactive and fun approach to learning. We are here to equip those who have a basic understanding of audio, but do not have access or have limited access to education through a mentor. We believe that the best way to learn is through humorous and interactive eye catching techniques, not through written word or ‘watch me teach you’ techniques.
Course Starts May 2022