Book, Seminar/Workshop by Brian Cochran

Book, Seminar/Workshop by Brian Cochran

Church Growth Solutions

“Strategies and Insights for Church Growth” can be provided for the benefit of local church; hosted by a local church for the benefit of a group of regional or fellowship churches; or hosted by an organizational group at the district, state, regional or national level.  The “Strategies and Insights for Church Growth” solutions are currently available in four formats:

1.  One-Hour Strategies and Insights for Church Growth Overview provide an introductory study of each of the three major areas of study or a specific area of focus. (Great for ministerial lunches, breakout workshops and/or conference sessions.)

  • Reasons churches don’t grow
  • Be fishers of men
  • Strategic planning basics

This would include an extensive study on the THREE major areas, as well as each of the important Strategic Areas of Ministry. (i.e. . Your Vision; The Church Leaders/Staff, Purpose of the church, etc.)

Half-Day overview of Strategies and Insights for Church Growth approach to church health and church growth. (This half-day option provides time for expanded study in each of the three major areas of focus.)

  • Reasons churches don’t grow
  • Be fishers of men
  • Strategic planning basics

This would include an extensive study on the THREE major areas, as well as each of the important Strategic Areas of Ministry. (i.e. . Your Vision; The Church Leaders/Staff, Purpose of the church, etc.)

2. One or Two Day Strategies and Insights for Church Growth Workshop/Seminar which can be hosted by a local church, a group or fellowship of churches or an organization for churches. The purpose of the one or two day workshop is to allow extensive study of each of the major areas such as:

  • Reasons churches don’t grow
  • Be fishers of men
  • Strategic planning basics
  • SWOT Analysis
  • How to build a growth system

This would include an extensive study on the THREE major areas, as well as each of the important Strategic Areas of Ministry. (i.e. . Your Vision; The Church Leaders/Staff, Purpose of the church, etc.)

3. Custom On-site Church Assessment and Church Leadership Training with coaching/consulting services for a local church/ministry. This solution includes:

  • Provide one-year membership to Gospel Worldwide our Church development online community.
  • Obtaining informational data from the church for review to create a statistical evaluation of the churches history and health.
  • Conduct an “on-site” church assessment and evaluation of the ministry, including but not limited to personal interviews with the pastor/staff members and/or key leaders; community evaluation, facility evaluation, congregation evaluation, potential leadership and/or congregational orientation to the Strategies and Insights for Church Grow health plan.
  • Review the statistical and on-site assessment data and prepare a preliminary on-site report that is reviewed with the Pastor and/or other designated leaders to confirm areas which need the most attention and will be the primary focus of the strategic church/ministry action plan.
  • Within 30 days, provide the pastor with a copy of the Custom Strategic Church/Ministry Action Plan, which will provide recommended action steps for the next twelve months.
  • Also provide one-year phone, web conference and email coaching as needed (initiated by the pastor to the consultant), to assist with unexpected challenges, updates, modifications, etc. which may be needed or desired during the course of the year.


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